Minat Pemuda Gereja untuk Menjadi Anggota Majelis Jemaat

  • Yulpika Teek Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Star's Lub
  • Leo Mardany Ruindungan STT Star's Lub Luwuk Banggai
  • Alce Mariani Labito STT Star's Lub Luwuk Banggai
Keywords: youth interest, church elders, active participation, church leadership


This study examines the interest of church youth in becoming church elders, focusing on cognitive, emotional, and conative aspects. The identified issue is the gap between high interest and low active participation. The research method employed is quantitative with a survey approach, involving 30 respondents out of a total of 61 church youths. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The results indicate that church youth have very high interest in church elders, as measured by cognitive and emotional aspects, but their interest from a conative perspective is lower. This suggests that while church youth exhibit high cognitive and emotional interest, there are barriers to translating this interest into concrete actions.


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How to Cite
Teek, Y., Ruindungan, L. M., & Labito, A. M. (2024). Minat Pemuda Gereja untuk Menjadi Anggota Majelis Jemaat. Jurnal Misioner, 4(2), 434-454. https://doi.org/10.51770/jm.v4i2.191